Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Essential Tools

Every new culinary student gets a full knife set with a big fancy bag. In this bag there is a 10 inch chefs knife, 6 inch vegetable knife(Santoku), a serrated bread knife, a slicing knife, paring knife, peeler, and some other little gadgets for the kitchen. 

In my personal bag I have a 8 inch chefs knife, 6 inch utility knife, bread knife, paring knife, sheers, and thats basically it, besides my small tools.

Then a lot of my coworkers just have a towel wrapped around a chefs knife and a serrated knife, and a rubber band to hold them together.

The most important part is that you will be ready and prepared for a task that is given to you. whether its peeling 15 pounds of fingerling potatoes, or turning 20 pounds of artichokes.

Here are some good knifes for someone who wants to start there own kit.

Chefs Knife:

A chefs knife is going to be the most vital tool to your knife bag.

F Dick 8 inch or 10 inch

Wustof 6, 8, or 10 inch

Togiharu 8, 9, or 10 inch

Victorinox 8, or 10 inch

Bread knife:

A Bread knife is going to do your tough cutting. 
If you use your chef knife on bread it will dull your blade so fast.

Paring knife:

This little guy is going to help with the tedious things.

Birds beak paring knife:

For intricate carvings and vegetable cuts 

Filet/ Boning knife:

If you are trusted to filet fish or break down any proteins, you will need one of these.

Utility/ Petty:

Petty knifes are very versatile like a chefs knife but smaller.

This is a basic kit that will make you ready for any task the chef asks of you. 

Next you are going to need to get yourself a sharpening stone!

You can go to a local sharpener or save money and do it yourself.

Have any suggestions for a good beginners kit?
post in comments!

1 comment:

  1. I think a Kuhn Rikon The Original Swiss Horizontal Vegetable Peeler would be a nice addition.Sure it's not a knife, but it should be part of the kit.
