Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Ten Commandments in The Kitchen!

Here are some tips for anyone thinking about working in the kitchen.
10. Be on time 
9. Bring a sharp knife 

8. Forget what you think you know(it wont impress anyone) 
7. Be ready to work long hours 
6. Dont cut yourself 
5. Be prepared to take a pay cut from your desk job. 

4. Dont ask stupid questions( think before you speak) 
3. Wear the right shoes( dont fall on your ass) 
2. Have plenty of caffeine 
1. Last but not least, Dont touch other peoples mise en place!

These tips might prepare you for what to expect in a professional kitchen but every place is different,  every chef is different. 
so what are some other ways to prepare yourself? Set up what is called a stage. Which is basically a working interview,  anywhere from 1 day to 1 month. Yes you are working for free, but it is a test for you and for the restaurant to make sure you are both a good fit.

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